In the Footsteps of the Vikings
History and Travel Portal

Travel trough the Europe following the ancient Vikings' routes!
Use the  compass for the next location! Or look at the MAP! Find your town in the map and use the link to go straight to the location!
About... FoVi portal and game: The Vikings once travelled in wide areas of Europe, Asia, and even America. So more and more cities and municipalities will be shown in FoVi portal by the time. Enjoy travelling In the Footsteps of the Vikings! It's free thanks to our sponsors. The game will be released spring 2012.

New game coming Professor Toro & Kim KollektorProfessor Toro & Kim Kollektor

  Miehikkälä, Finland

Miehikkala - Finland
Quisque sed urna lorem, sed egestas dolor. Morbi pulvinar tellus ut ligula elementum et egestas velit porta. Duis suscipit, purus eu molestie scelerisque, mauris libero convallis turpis, ac congue felis sem sit amet purus. Duis a magna eu metus malesuada malesuada in et augue. Integer sit amet urna mattis nisl tristique ullamcorper in sed ante. Sed varius pretium congue. Suspendisse pretium porttitor mi, eget mollis velit luctus vel. Aliquam risus enim, mattis at aliquam et, luctus vel eros.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sem sem, convallis suscipit euismod sed, condimentum vel dolor. Phasellus nec volutpat orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus iaculis quam sed ipsum mollis rutrum. Sed laoreet, eros nec ornare venenatis, ante est venenatis sem, vitae hendrerit lorem leo et orci. Sed porta massa sed dolor venenatis lobortis. Integer a nulla lectus, vel lobortis magna. Sed felis orci, accumsan a malesuada vel, tincidunt viverra orci. Cras non lectus massa, nec pharetra ante. Ut non dolor et diam cursus egestas sed quis sapien. Proin congue ipsum vitae nisl suscipit vel rhoncus lectus consequat. Duis volutpat vestibulum mattis.

Loviisa sponsors Fovigame. An agreement signed 2012-05-04.


"Vikings" as TV Series from MGM and HISTORY Channel.




2012-09-18 Multi-language support by Google Translate removed, at least temporarily.

2012-05-04 Loviisa sponsors Fovigame. An agreement signed.

2012-05-02 New news available! Look at the left beneath!

FoVi project sponsored by:

A Viking Treasure found in Gotland, Sweden

A bronze vase, with thousands of silver coins, has been found in Gotland island, outside the east coast of Sweden. The treasure is exceptionally large for its age. Archaeologists consider whether it was ment to be a safety deposit or perhaps a purse for the afterlife. More...

BEAR TOOTH - an Archaeological Exhibition in the Museum of Loviisa, Finland

The museum's prehistoric exhibition is open from April 22 to September 30, 2012, and presents Loviisa region Stone Age and Iron Age discoveries as well as dwellings. The exhibition includes tools, arrowheads, jewelry and ceramics.

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Picture: Victor R. Lambdin

Picture: Victor R. Lambdin
A situation.

  Viking Stories

Curabitur auctor nisi eu est tempor a consectetur leo blandit. Suspendisse imperdiet, odio ac consectetur cursus, lorem magna aliquam massa, non faucibus urna lectus id ipsum. Donec pharetra nulla nec mauris commodo eu rhoncus est dapibus. Pellentesque fermentum lorem vel nisi tincidunt convallis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum odio purus, sollicitudin ac malesuada non, elementum tristique massa. Nunc eu arcu magna, nec sollicitudin metus.
Learn more about the Vikings!

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Terafox Ltd.
Haravankyläntie 8
07920 Loviisa
FoVi Project Web Stores Taking part
Loviisa, Kotka, Hamina, Virolahti, Novgorod, St_Petersburg, Miehikkala, Smolensk, Birka, Stockholm, Mariehamn, Turku, Saltvik, Rosala, Hanko, Helsinki, Porvoo, Kaupang, Hedeby, Reykjavik, StartPage, Grindavik, Hafnarfjordur,